Thank You!

2020 could be a year we will never forget. The Colchester Food Shelf will be on the side of never forgetting all you have done for us and those citizens who have and will continue to need our help! Your financial donations have been outstanding and have given us the...

January 27: Mask Up for Grocery Pick-up

The Colchester Food Shelf continues to be open Wednesdays from 12 Noon to 6 PM. Important Reminders: Please remember to wear a face mask the entire time you are at the Food Shelf.Please make sure there is room in the trunk of your car and/or the back of your SUV. When...

January 20: Mask Up for Grocery Pick-up

The Colchester Food Shelf continues to be open Wednesdays from 12 Noon to 6 PM. Please remember to wear a face mask the entire time you are at the Food Shelf. Additional reminders: Please pull in as if you are going to the side door of the Food Shelf, but turn and...

January 13: Mask Up for Grocery Pick-up

The Colchester Food Shelf continues to be open Wednesdays from 12 Noon to 6 PM. Please remember to wear a face mask the entire time you are at the Food Shelf. Additional reminders: Please pull in as if you are going to the side door of the Food Shelf, but turn and...