The Colchester Food Shelf will be open on Wednesday, May 26 from 12 Noon to 6 PM.
We continue to be open only on Wednesdays from 12 Noon to 6 PM. Volunteers will greet those needing food assistance outside at their cars. *** Please wear a face mask the entire time you are at the Food Shelf. Also, please make sure there is room in your TRUNK or BACK OF SUV. If groceries must go on the back seat, the volunteers will leave the groceries at the car for you to place in your car. ***
Not Feeling Well? You Can Send Someone to Pick Up Groceries on Your Behalf!
Someone can pick up groceries on your behalf! Please call us to complete the perishables information and let us know who is picking up groceries for you. You can reach the Food Shelf at 802-879-2444.
Traffic Reminder on Wednesdays
Union Memorial School (next door to the Food Shelf) is now in session on Wednesdays until 1:00 PM. We ask that if multiple clients arrive from 12 Noon to 2 PM, please form a line from the Claussen’s side of the Food Shelf. Please DO NOT BLOCK the road and/or the parking lot entrance between the Food Shelf and Classen’s. We will do our best to have a volunteer outside to guide you.
Mark Your Calendars: The Food Shelf Will Be Closed on June 30
Please mark your calendars. Due to a construction project, the Colchester Food Shelf will be CLOSED on Wednesday, June 30. Please plan your monthly visit to the Food Shelf accordingly.
Annual Proof of Residency Requirement
If you have not provided your Colchester Proof of Residency this year, please bring your Proof of Residency with you when you visit the Food Shelf to pick up your groceries. Documentation should be a bill, such as a utility bill, insurance bill, etc., or a mortgage/lease agreement. A driver’s license and/or car registration can NOT be used for Proof of Residency.
Thank You, Donors!
Thank you so much for the donated groceries each week. Please remember to bring items only on Wednesdays. Volunteers are at the Food Shelf beginning at 11 AM on Wednesdays preparing for the day. If you want to drop off donations between 11 AM and 12 Noon, please come to the side door of the Food Shelf. If you would like to drop off donations between 12 Noon and 6 PM, you can park at Claussen’s Greenhouse. You will find the donation container near the left garage door at the Food Shelf. We can always use cereal, pasta sauce, peanut butter and jelly, bottled juice, baking items (like flour and sugar), baked beans, and canned meals (like Ravioli, beef stew, Spaghetti O’s, etc.).
PLEASE STAY SAFE AND WELL! We hope everyone is getting the vaccine.
THANK YOU again from the Volunteers and Clients
Where Can You Find Us?
The Food Shelf is located at 245 Main Street, Colchester, between Claussen’s Greenhouse and Union Memorial School. We can also be reached by phone at 802-879-2444. If you call outside our Wednesday hours, please leave a message.
Our mailing address for donations is Colchester Food Shelf, PO Box 625, Colchester, Vermont 05446.
Questions? Email
I am trying to register for the Full Plates VT. I think I did this morning but now not so sure!! I can’t find where my information is and where the pick up is for So. Burlington?
Would you please send me the information ?
I apologize for the delayed reply. A number of comments were mixed up with A LOT of spam comments. The best resource for “Full Plates VT” is their direct website at There is a link on their page to “View Dates and Register For an Event.” You can also call them directly at 833-670-2254 for assistance. It sounds like your question was specific to a South Burlington event that has already come and gone. If you are still trying to connect with Full Plates VT, I would recommend the above contact information, as the CCFS is passing along the resources, but is not directly involved.