Thanksgiving Preparations at the CCFS

The Colchester Food Shelf has begun its preparations for Thanksgiving. As we have done each Thanksgiving, we would like to offer dinner fixings along with a turkey for current Food Shelf clients, so we are looking for: bags of potatoes/boxed scalloped potatoes, turkey...

Wednesday, October 26: Grocery Pick-up

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26: FOOD SHELF HOURS: 12 NOON TO 6 PM SCHOOL IS IN SESSION: For those who might come to the Food Shelf mid-afternoon, please be aware of school buses and watch for parents and children crossing from Claussen’s in front of the Food Shelf....

Thank You From the Colchester Food Shelf

To Donors to the Colchester Community Food Shelf: There are so many thank you messages for those of you who have donated to the Colchester Food Shelf: Thank you so much to all those who donate grocery items. As we all know, the cost of groceries has increased...

Wednesday, October 19: Grocery Pick-up

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19: FOOD SHELF HOURS: 12 NOON TO 6 PM SCHOOL IS IN SESSION: For those who might come to the Food Shelf mid-afternoon, please be aware of school buses and watch for parents and children crossing from Claussen’s in front of the Food Shelf....

Wednesday, October 12: Grocery Pick-up

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12: FOOD SHELF HOURS: 12 NOON TO 6 PM SCHOOL IS BACK IN SESSION: If you haven’t been to the Food Shelf this month, the new school year is underway. For those who might come to the Food Shelf mid-afternoon, please be aware of school buses and...

Wednesday, October 5: Grocery Pick-up

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5: FOOD SHELF HOURS: 12 NOON TO 6 PM SCHOOL IS BACK IN SESSION: If you haven’t been to the Food Shelf this month, the new school year is underway. For those who might come to the Food Shelf mid-afternoon, please be aware of school buses and...