“If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.”
― Chinese Proverb
Wednesday, October 25: Grocery Pick-up

EARLY DISMISSAL THIS WEEK: There will be early dismissal at Union Memorial School next door to the Colchester Food Shelf. Anyone arriving on or before 12 Noon should line up from Claussen’s Greenhouse and be careful not to block their driveway.
PROOF OF RESIDENCE INFORMATION: Please don’t forget to bring Proof of Residency if you are a new client or if requested. Proof would be a current bill, lease, etc., with your name and address. A driver’s license or car registration can not be used as Proof of Residence.
REUSABLE SHOPPING BAGS: If you have reusable bags, please bring them and we will use them for your groceries.
THANKSGIVING DONATIONS: Thanksgiving donations can include any of the following: canned corn, canned green beans, cranberry sauce, cream soup (chicken or mushroom), gravy, French fried onion rings, instant potatoes, and/or stuffing mix. Of course, turkeys will be needed. Donations can be made at any time, but there will be special donation days on Saturday, November 11 and Saturday, November 18. We will be open from 12 Noon to 4 PM on both of those Saturdays for turkey and dinner fixing donations.
Please stay safe and well!
Help us spread the word to those that may not see the Front Porch Forum, Facebook, or website posts!
Where Can You Find Us?
The Food Shelf is located at 245 Main Street, Colchester, between Claussen’s Greenhouse and Union Memorial School.
Our mailing address for donations is Colchester Food Shelf, PO Box 625, Colchester, Vermont 05446.
Questions? Email info@colchesterfoodshelf.org. We can also be reached by phone at 802-879-2444. If you call outside our Wednesday hours, please leave a message.
Wednesday, October 18: Grocery Pick-up

NEXT WEEK (OCTOBER 25): There will be early dismissal at Union Memorial School next door to the Colchester Food Shelf next week on October 25. Anyone arriving on or before 12 Noon should line up from Claussen’s Greenhouse and be careful not to block their driveway. Another reminder will be included for next Wednesday.
PROOF OF RESIDENCE INFORMATION: Please don’t forget to bring Proof of Residency if you are a new client or if requested. Proof would be a current bill, lease, etc., with your name and address. A driver’s license or car registration can not be used as Proof of Residence.
REUSABLE SHOPPING BAGS: If you have reusable bags, please bring them and we will use them for your groceries.
THANKSGIVING DONATIONS: Thanksgiving donations can include any of the following: canned corn, canned green beans, cranberry sauce, cream soup (chicken or mushroom), gravy, French fried onion rings, instant potatoes, and/or stuffing mix. Of course, turkeys will be needed. Donations can be made at any time, but there will be special donation days on Saturday, November 11 and Saturday, November 18. We will be open from 12 Noon to 4 PM on both of those Saturdays for turkey and dinner fixing donations.
Please stay safe and well!
Help us spread the word to those that may not see the Front Porch Forum, Facebook, or website posts!
Where Can You Find Us?
The Food Shelf is located at 245 Main Street, Colchester, between Claussen’s Greenhouse and Union Memorial School.
Our mailing address for donations is Colchester Food Shelf, PO Box 625, Colchester, Vermont 05446.
Questions? Email info@colchesterfoodshelf.org. We can also be reached by phone at 802-879-2444. If you call outside our Wednesday hours, please leave a message.
Wednesday, October 11: Grocery Pick-up

PROOF OF RESIDENCE INFORMATION: Please don’t forget to bring Proof of Residency if you are a new client or if requested. Proof would be a current bill, lease, etc., with your name and address. A driver’s license or car registration can not be used as Proof of Residence.
REUSABLE SHOPPING BAGS: If you have reusable bags, please bring them and we will use them for your groceries.
OUT-OF-DATE ITEMS: As some of you prepare to go south and are cleaning out your pantry, please be sure to check the dates. We cannot put outdated items on our shelves.
DONATIONS: Thank you to all who donate so generously. The total donations for the third quarter were 5114 pounds (this included canned goods and produce). If you do not need a receipt, there is a plastic container under the canopy where canned goods can be left. Please only leave donations during open hours on Wednesdays. The high-priority items are those that are on the shopping list used by our clients. You can find a list of high-priority items by visiting the Donate page on our website (or click here to view the list).
Our list of possible donation items for Thanksgiving will be available soon!
Financial donations should be mailed to the PO Box address below:
Colchester Food Shelf
PO Box 625
Colchester, Vermont 05446
Please stay safe and well!
Help us spread the word to those that may not see the Front Porch Forum, Facebook, or website posts!
Where Can You Find Us?
The Food Shelf is located at 245 Main Street, Colchester, between Claussen’s Greenhouse and Union Memorial School.
Our mailing address for donations is Colchester Food Shelf, PO Box 625, Colchester, Vermont 05446.
Questions? Email info@colchesterfoodshelf.org. We can also be reached by phone at 802-879-2444. If you call outside our Wednesday hours, please leave a message.
Saturday, October 7: Grocery Pick-up

PROOF OF RESIDENCY: Please bring Proof of Residency if you are coming for the first time or have been asked to bring it.
REUSABLE BAGS: Please bring your reusable bags if you have some. Also, bring Proof of Residency if you are coming for the first time or have been asked to bring it.
Please stay safe and well!
Help us spread the word to those that may not see the Front Porch Forum, Facebook, or website posts!
Where Can You Find Us?
The Food Shelf is located at 245 Main Street, Colchester, between Claussen’s Greenhouse and Union Memorial School.
Our mailing address for donations is Colchester Food Shelf, PO Box 625, Colchester, Vermont 05446.
Questions? Email info@colchesterfoodshelf.org. We can also be reached by phone at 802-879-2444. If you call outside our Wednesday hours, please leave a message.
Wednesday, October 4: Grocery Pick-up

PROOF OF RESIDENCE INFORMATION: Please don’t forget to bring Proof of Residency if you are a new client or if requested. Proof would be a current bill, lease, etc., with your name and address. A driver’s license or car registration can not be used as Proof of Residence.
REUSABLE SHOPPING BAGS: Please bring your reusable bags if available.
GARDENERS: Thank you to all who shared their produce to the Food Shelf. The Colchester residents who use the services of the Food Shelf really enjoy fresh produce. We were able to provide the 917 pounds you donated along with the 500 pounds we were able to purchase at local farm stands through a grant from the Vermont Foodbank.
OUT-OF-DATE ITEMS: As some of you think about getting ready to go south and cleaning out your pantry, please be sure to check the dates. We cannot put outdated items on our shelves.
DONATIONS: Thank you to all who donate so generously. The total donations for the third quarter were 5114 pounds (this included canned goods and produce). If you do not need a receipt, there is a plastic container under the canopy where canned goods can be left. Please only leave donations during open hours on Wednesdays. The high-priority items are those that are on the shopping list used by our clients. You can find a list of high-priority items by visiting the Donate page on our website (or click here to view the list).
Our list of possible donation items for Thanksgiving will be available soon!
Financial donations should be mailed to the PO Box address below:
Colchester Food Shelf
PO Box 625
Colchester, Vermont 05446
Please stay safe and well!
Help us spread the word to those that may not see the Front Porch Forum, Facebook, or website posts!
Where Can You Find Us?
The Food Shelf is located at 245 Main Street, Colchester, between Claussen’s Greenhouse and Union Memorial School.
Our mailing address for donations is Colchester Food Shelf, PO Box 625, Colchester, Vermont 05446.
Questions? Email info@colchesterfoodshelf.org. We can also be reached by phone at 802-879-2444. If you call outside our Wednesday hours, please leave a message.