The Food Shelf will be open for regular hours on Wednesday, December 27 from 12 Noon to 6 PM. Please remember to bring your Proof of Residency if you are new, have been asked to provide it, or if you would like to provide it for 2024. We will be requiring proof of residency next month for 2024. Do it this month and be all set for the coming year.
Next week we will be open on Wednesday, January 3 from 12 Noon to 6 PM and Saturday, January 6 from 9 AM to 11 AM.
DONATIONS: Thank you so much to all who donated to the various food drivers that went on for the Food Shelf prior to Christmas. We appreciate all the generosity! We also are very appreciative of the financial donations received and hope you find that you can continue to provide funds that we can put towards our purchases of items on our shopping list. Please note that the Food Shelf operates on an all-volunteer staff and financial donations to cover the cost of food and utilities.
Please stay safe and well!
Help us spread the word to those that may not see the Front Porch Forum, Facebook, or website posts!
Hours of Operation
Wednesdays from 12 Noon to 6 PM and the first Saturday of each month from 9 AM to 11 AM.
Where Can You Find Us?
The Food Shelf is located at 245 Main Street, Colchester, between Claussen’s Greenhouse and Union Memorial School.
Our mailing address for donations is Colchester Food Shelf, PO Box 625, Colchester, Vermont 05446.
Questions? Email info@colchesterfoodshelf.org. We can also be reached by phone at 802-879-2444. If you call outside our Wednesday hours, please leave a message.