by CCFS Webmaster | Oct 17, 2023 | CCFS Update, Donations, Events
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18 FOOD SHELF HOURS: 12 NOON TO 6 PM NEXT WEEK (OCTOBER 25): There will be early dismissal at Union Memorial School next door to the Colchester Food Shelf next week on October 25. Anyone arriving on or before 12 Noon should line up from...
by CCFS Webmaster | Oct 9, 2023 | CCFS Update, Donations, Events
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11 FOOD SHELF HOURS: 12 NOON TO 6 PM PROOF OF RESIDENCE INFORMATION: Please don’t forget to bring Proof of Residency if you are a new client or if requested. Proof would be a current bill, lease, etc., with your name and address. A...
by CCFS Webmaster | Oct 5, 2023 | CCFS Update, Donations, Events
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7 FOOD SHELF HOURS: 9 AM TO 11 AM PROOF OF RESIDENCY: Please bring Proof of Residency if you are coming for the first time or have been asked to bring it. REUSABLE BAGS: Please bring your reusable bags if you have some. Also, bring Proof of Residency...
by CCFS Webmaster | Oct 3, 2023 | CCFS Update, Donations, Events
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4 FOOD SHELF HOURS: 12 NOON TO 6 PM PROOF OF RESIDENCE INFORMATION: Please don’t forget to bring Proof of Residency if you are a new client or if requested. Proof would be a current bill, lease, etc., with your name and address. A...
by CCFS Webmaster | Sep 26, 2023 | CCFS Update, Donations, Events
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 FOOD SHELF HOURS: 12 NOON TO 6 PM REUSABLE SHOPPING BAGS: Please bring your reusable bags if available. GARDENERS: Thank you to all who are bringing their extra produce to the Food Shelf. The tomatoes are looking great. Colchester residents who...