NOTICE FOR NEXT WEEK: Wednesday, February 1st is an early dismissal/in-service day for Union Memorial School. Please line up towards Claussen’s for the first hour in order not to interfere with students and buses.
AVOID SCHOOL TURN-AROUND DURING DISMISSAL: Please be aware that buses start arriving at Union Memorial School (next door) for dismissal at 2:45 pm. Please get in line in front of the Food Shelf and in the direction of Claussen’s and NOT school during dismissal.
PROOF OF RESIDENCE INFORMATION: We will be checking everyone’s Proof of Residency for 2023 during January and February. If you brought in proof of residency during December, it will be good for 2023. Proof needs to be a current bill, lease, etc., with your name and address. A driver’s license or car registration can NOT be used as Proof of Residence. You MUST bring Proof of Residency if you are new to the food shelf or if you have not provided it in December.
MASK WEARING: Please continue to wear a mask when talking with Food Shelf volunteers. Volunteers continue to wear masks throughout their shifts. COVID-19 is still out here, but just as important, the Flu virus has arrived.
CANOPY UP: The canopy should be up outside the Food Shelf this week. There are tables with miscellaneous items that are not on our shopping list, recently outdated items (marked as such), and some hats.
DONATIONS: Thank you to all who donate so generously. We appreciate the financial donations and grocery donations helping to stock our shelves. The high-priority items are those that are on the shopping list used by our clients. You can find a list of high-priority items by visiting the Donate page on our website (or click here to view the list). Any other donated items that are not on our shopping list are placed on a miscellaneous table which we put outside under our canopy, weather permitting. If you are donating items from your pantry, please check the dates and DO NOT donate outdated groceries. For the last quarter of 2022, you donated 13,420 pounds of groceries and produce.
NOTIFICATION PROCEDURE IF FOOD SHELF IS CLOSED: As in past years, if school is canceled due to weather during the winter on a Wednesday, the Food Shelf will also be closed.
Please stay safe and well!
Help us spread the word to those that may not see the Front Porch Forum, Facebook, or website posts!
Where Can You Find Us?
The Food Shelf is located at 245 Main Street, Colchester, between Claussen’s Greenhouse and Union Memorial School.
Our mailing address for donations is Colchester Food Shelf, PO Box 625, Colchester, Vermont 05446.
Questions? Email info@colchesterfoodshelf.org. We can also be reached by phone at 802-879-2444. If you call outside our Wednesday hours, please leave a message.