The Colchester Food Shelf had a goal again this year of being able to provide a turkey and dinner fixings to any/all clients that signed up. With the help of everyone who donated turkeys and dinner fixings, we were able to meet our goal again!
What did the donations look like by the numbers? We received 144 turkeys, 774 pounds of fresh vegetables, and 2,024 pounds of non-perishable food items! Amazing! A crew of volunteers helped weigh all of the donations while packing approximately 100 reusable shopping bags with dinner fixings in preparation for the Thanksgiving week.
In addition to all of the donors, we would also like to extend a thank you to Zachary’s Pizza of Colchester for again temporarily making room in their large freezer for the turkeys again this year!
Let’s keep things going! We are proud to be part of the global celebration of giving again this year. Tomorrow, December 3, is known as Giving Tuesday. Please consider giving your time, skills, voice, goods, dollars, or whatever you can to help others. Everyone can have an impact! How will you give back? Looking for more information on the global movement? Visit #GivingTuesday