To Our Clients:
At this time we continue to remain open to distribute groceries to those Colchester residents in need. However, we are significantly changing our days and hours.
Beginning next week (April 1) we will be open
For the health and safety of both clients and volunteers, we will continue to ask that you please remain in your vehicle and form a line to the side door of the building. You will be checked in and asked a few questions about available perishable items. You can then pop open your trunk, and a volunteer will put your bags in your vehicle. we ask that you make sure the trunk or back of your SVU is available for groceries
To First Time Clients:
If you are planning on coming for the first time, please do your best to call ahead, and we will complete most of your registration on the phone. If we are not there, leave a clear message, and we will call you back. You must bring one form of proof of residency – a utility bill, doctor or hospital bill, lease, insurance form, or mortgage. Unfortunately, we cannot accept a driver’s license as proof of residency.
To Our Wonderful Volunteers:
Thank you so much for your help and dedication at the Colchester Food Shelf. We are doing everything we can to keep your time at the CCFS safe.
To Our Generous Colchester Citizens:
At this moment we are keeping up with most grocery needs, but it has become more difficult to purchase items from the local grocery stores in large quantities. Our next order from the Food Bank is not until April 16th. If you can pick up a couple of items when you are at the store, here is what we can use: dry pasta, sauce, macaroni and cheese, Progresso type soups, tuna, jellies, non-refrigerated juice, ketchup, and mustard. To deliver, please park at Union Memorial School (next door to the Food Shelf). We will leave a plastic crate in front school for donations. We would ask that you please only drop off food donations on Wednesdays from 12 PM to 6 PM, when the Food Shelf is open so that we can take care of your donations.
To Everyone:
Stay safe and stay well. Look after each other.
Email us at
CCFS is located at 245 Main Street Colchester, between Claussen’s Greenhouse and Union Memorial School
Hours: WEDNESDAYS ONLY from 12 PM (noon) to 6 PM beginning April 1